Creating a Parent Observer Account

Obtain a pairing code from your student click HERE before setting up your account. 


Email your student’s Instructor for a pairing code before setting up your account. Click HERE for the Team Members Directory with Instructor emails. 

Sign Up As a Parent (Free Account)

Click the Parents of a Canvas User link. 

Enter Sign Up Details 

Enter the following information:

  1. Enter your name in the Your Name field.
  2. Enter your email in the Your Email field.
  3. Enter your password in the Password field.
  4. Re-enter your password in the Re-enter Password field.
  5. Enter a paring code to link your account to your student in the Student Pairing Code field.  (You can get this from your student’s account or teacher)
  6. Agree to the terms of use by clicking the You agree to the terms of use checkbox.
  7. Click the Start Participating button.

Note: Students can generate pairing codes (Links to an external site.) from their User Settings. Depending on institution permissions, admins and instructors may also be able to generate pairing codes.

Begin Observing  

You can begin observing your student in Canvas immediately.

Learn how to observe additional students (Links to an external site.) in your account.

Learn how to modify your Canvas notification preferences (Links to an external site.)

Students: Generate Pairing Code for Observer

How do I generate a pairing code for an observer as a student?  

How do I generate a pairing code for an observer as a student?  

As a student, you can generate a pairing code to link an observer to your Canvas account. You must create a separate pairing code for each observer who wants to link to your account. For more information on pairing codes, view the Pairing Codes – Frequently Asked Questions PDF.

An observer may be your parent, guardian, mentor, counselor, or another individual who needs to view your Canvas courses. Linked observers can can view and participate in certain elements of your Canvas courses. For more information on the observer role, view the Observer Visibility and Participation PDF..


  • If you are an observer and want to generate a pairing code for a student, you will need to log in to the student’s Canvas account and follow the steps in this lesson. After you have copied the pairing code, you can link to the student by entering the code in your User Settings (Links to an external site.).
  • Pairing codes can only be generated from the web version of Canvas. Pairing codes cannot be generated from the Canvas mobile apps.

Open Settings 

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the Settings link [2].

Pair with Observer 

Copy Pairing Code 

Copy the six-digit alphanumeric pairing code [1]. You will need to share the code with the observer who will link to your account. The pairing code will expire after seven days or its first use.

To close the window, click the OK button [2].

Note: Pairing codes are case sensitive.

Parents: Link to a Student Observer 

How do I link a student to my user account as an observer? 

If you signed up for a Canvas account as a parent (Links to an external site.), you can add students to observe within the same institution. Additionally, if an institution created an observer account linked to a student for you, you can add students to observe.

To link yourself to a student, you will need to enter a student-specific pairing code. Pairing codes are case sensitive and are valid for seven days. A student’s instructor can generate pairing codes. 


  • You cannot add students whose accounts are not within your same institution (Canvas URL). To observe students in another institution, you must sign up for an account using that institution’s Canvas URL.
  • If you are not able to access all of a student’s courses, the option to link to additional students is not available to you.
  • Once you have linked to a student from the Observing page, you cannot remove the student. To remove a student, please contact the student’s instructor.

Follow the steps below to link your student to your observer account:

Open User Settings 

In Global Navigation, click the Account link (1), then click the settings link (2). 

Open Observing 

In User Navigation, click the Observing link.

Add Student 

Type the pairing code in the Student Pairing Code field [1] and click the Add Student button [2].

View Student 

Students: Adding Parent Observer

The early years

Early 1970

Nine School Corporations join forces to establish the first area vocational center for Johnson and Marion County. 


April 28th, 1970

A temporary Governing Board is established and Richard Thomas is elected as the first (temporary) president. 

The board makes a proposal for a Continuous Feasibility Study for an area vocational school. 


September 21, 1970

Board members review (and choose a site for campus). 



October 8th, 1970

Board members vote to name the center; Central Nine Vocational Technical School. 

Other names that were up for consideration: “John-Mar” (or “Johnson-Marion”), “Central Nine”, “Leatherwood”, and “whetzel Trace”. 


April 15th, 1971

Architect, Ray Thompson, from James Associates presents the final site and building plans for Central Nine. 



May 13th, 1971

James E. Hixson is made the first director of Central Nine.